Attorneys for the Plaintiff California public sector teachers in the case of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association have taken the extraordinarily rare step of petitioning the Supreme Court for a…

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Category: Union Access,

Number 24:  The Supreme Court Balances TheTension Between Disparate Treatment And Disparate Impact Discrimination In Employment Testing Employment tests and other selection procedures have long been part of hiring and…

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Category: EEO,

Number 14:  Discrimination Laws Apply To State And Local Government Employees Title VII, as enacted in 1964, had a rather large coverage gap: millions of American workers employed by State…

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Category: EEO,

 The Ninth Circuit, in Demers v. Austin, 729 F.3d 1011 (9th Cir. 2013), has boldly gone — where other federal circuit courts have heretofore been reluctant to venture — in declaring that…

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The California Legislature took aim this past session to address topics near and dear to many college and university students:  social media, textbook, loans, and athletic scholarships. Hands Off Student…

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Category: Higher Education,