Dan Handman Speaks to KTLA About Workplace Mask Rules Confusion

On June 9, 2021, Dan Handman was interviewed on KTLA-TV about the Cal/OSHA Board’s abrupt withdrawal of the controversial mask rules it recently issued after an emergency four-hour meeting.
“To mask or not to mask in the workplace? That was the question before a special Cal/OSHA meeting as the standards board reviewed new state guidance,” said KTLA anchor Carlos Saucedo.
Dan Handman noted, “It’s been extremely confusing for employers and for employment lawyers like us. We have been trying to make heads and tails of this situation for a year now, and it seems like every time you feel like you’re on solid footing and you understand the layout of the law, they change it.”
Handman continued, “A lot of different agencies — some on the federal level, some on the state level, some on the local level — are all issuing guidances that contradict each other in significant ways.”
Click here to watch the full clip.
Dan Handman is a partner in the Los Angeles office of Hirschfeld Kraemer. You can reach him at dhandman@hkemploymentlaw.com, or (310) 255-1820.